Needed information

DayZ: Namalsk is always fully dependent on the newest update for Namalsk Crisis modification (it is not possible to run it under older versions). This addition is and will be one pbo file ns_dayz.pbo, which will be updated when it will be necessary (feedback, bug fixing,..).

DayZ: Namalsk is for Arma 2: Combined Operations and you can install it into your Namalsk Crisis modfolder (\@NC\Addons\ on default). For the successful compatibility with DayZ mod, you need to know, which version is currently supported by DayZ: Namalsk. After that, you can simply launch Arma II: Combined Operations with Namalsk Crisis and DayZ.

Do not try to play anything, when you launch DayZ with Namalsk Crisis, it is really just for one thing => playing DayZ. If you will try to play anything else, it will be bugged. From the other hand, if you will install this DayZ: Namalsk pbo into your @NC (Namalsk Crisis modfolder), you don't have to worry about playing Namalsk Crisis itself, this addon don't have any real impact on the usual Namalsk Crisis gameplay or its features.

To search for the servers, use filter, where you can type 'Namalsk'. Most of these servers will probably require the newest beta pach for Arma II OA, so for download of these beta patches, go to the


DayZ: Namalsk v0.75 (9MB, *.7z,

(Needs Namalsk Crisis Update 2.4 (v1.15.4), DayZMod

Remeber: It is essential to keep Namalsk Crisis modfiles updated, not just DayZ: Namalsk! DayZ: Namalsk v0.75 requires Namalsk Crisis Update 2.4 (v1.15.4).

DayZ: Namalsk

Type >

Official Namalsk island support for DayZ mod

Game >

Arma 2: Combined Operations

Release >

[v0.75] 2013

©Sumrak 2025