To get Namalsksubscribe to the following Steam Workshop items and wait for the download. After that, go to the DayZ Launcher – Mods and enable Namalsk Island and Namalsk Survival mods. Please note that following links will open Steam Client directly (use these links for island and survival packs, if you want to open it in your web browser).

Please keep in mind that this mod requires a running online server. If you are looking for a place to play, join the official Namalsk Discord, where, besides many other things, server owners are sharing info about their own servers. If you are interested in hosting your own server, please start here.

If you like what I am working on, please consider supporting me in my future endeavours by donating either through a button at the bottom of this website or following link. Thank you, your support is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for having interest in Namalsk, see you in the frozen wasteland!