Nightstalkers: Shadow of Namalsk (Nightstalkers: Stíny Namalsku)

Modification Nightstalkers: Shadow of Namalsk have main task to provide needed files for Namalsk Crisis campaign and for Namalsk island. Contains big database of the models of buildings, units and also different functions for Namalsk or Namalsk Crisis campaign.

Modification is not released as standalone, it is coming with Namalsk Crisis campaign. For download, continue into Download section.

Some informations:

- Over 270 models for Namalsk island

- 3 factions for Namalsk Crisis (Nightstalkers, NAC and Mutants)

- Modules for mission editor (Blowout module, Mutant module,.., detailed info in Modules)

- Over 190 wisely chosen sounds and 62 music tracks for possible missions

Because of its functions and content, this modification can provide to Arma II S.T.A.L.K.E.R. fans basics for creating missions with S.T.A.L.K.E.R. atmosphere in Arma II.

Needed informations about possibilities of mission editing with this modification go to Modules and Class names sections.


Shadow of Namalsk

Type >


Game >

Arma 2, Arma 2: Combined Operations

Release >



©Sumrak 2025